Board of Governors
The Board of Governors was reconstituted in November 2018. It is made up of volunteers who have a strong desire to see our school continue to go from strength to strength.
The Board of Governors has an important strategic role to play in the management of our school with a view to providing the best possible education and educational opportunities for all of our pupils.
Mr W. Kane
Transferor Representatives
Rev. P. Bovill : Governor Safeguarding & Child Protection
Miss M. Kane: Governor Safeguarding & Child Protection
Mrs A. Woodside
EA Representatives
Mr J. Barr
Mrs C. Bowen
Teacher Representatives
Mrs A. Wolfe
Parent Representatives
Mrs J. Montgomery-Watson
Mrs L. Thompson
Mrs A. Cambridge
Islandmagee Primary School, 7 Low Road, Islandmagee, BT40 3RD | Phone: 028 9335 3680